Wandering the cloakroom of the James J. Hill house in St. Paul, I came across this goofy fellow and was reminded enormously of 3:07 in this music video.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The OutKast
Wandering the cloakroom of the James J. Hill house in St. Paul, I came across this goofy fellow and was reminded enormously of 3:07 in this music video.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Minnesoooooootan

My dear friend Reena, who lives in Virginia but whom I met in England and who's been privy to many black glove encounters in the past, came to visit me in Minnesota over Christmas break.
We're walking along Grand Avenue in St. Paul on the way to Café Latte when I remark that I don't think I've ever taken a picture of a black glove in Minnesota; we discuss how strange this is, seeing that Minnesota is freaking sub-zero.
Not ten seconds later: THIS.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Best Weekend Ever
I went to London intending to return the same night and stayed there for three days. During this time, I:
-developed an addiction to Müller Rice
-was permanently rain-soaked
-found 5 BGs (two of which are on my as-yet-undeveloped disposable camera), which
-must have made quite an odd impression on the people I was with, most of whom were awesome, Greek, and five to ten years my senior.
After a few hours of waffling over whether it was worth it to miss my 2 PM seminar on Monday for more fun and frivolity (retrospectively: I was half an hour late anyway, it was 2 hours' worth of Holocaust poetry, I smelled like a dog - it definitely would have been worth it), I hopped on the train back to Reading and promptly found two more gloves.
-developed an addiction to Müller Rice
-was permanently rain-soaked
-found 5 BGs (two of which are on my as-yet-undeveloped disposable camera), which
-must have made quite an odd impression on the people I was with, most of whom were awesome, Greek, and five to ten years my senior.
After a few hours of waffling over whether it was worth it to miss my 2 PM seminar on Monday for more fun and frivolity (retrospectively: I was half an hour late anyway, it was 2 hours' worth of Holocaust poetry, I smelled like a dog - it definitely would have been worth it), I hopped on the train back to Reading and promptly found two more gloves.
This was one of two gloves (or perhaps the same one trampled into relocation) I found on Carnaby Street. A group of boys who must have been a bit younger than me were watching as I crouched and snapped a picture of it, and then imitated the cheesy shutter noise of my phone. Oh, joy!
Also Carnaby Street.
Notting Hill Road, after a thoroughly revolting hot apple cider.
Chameleoned outside the RUSU building upon my return to dear old Reading.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Usual
November 25-
It's not a trip to the SportsPark without at least one black glove along a half-mile stretch of sidewalk! I think I'm getting the hang of the whole slowing-of-the-pace, dawdling-off-to-the-side, pretending-to-receive-a-text, deliberating-and-pretending-to-respond-while-actually-doubling-back-and-taking-a-photo-of-the-loot trick.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Glaswegians
November 18-21:
Daniel and I were, um, uninformed enough to visit Glasgow in November. Apparently that place, at that time of the year, is kind of miserable, weather-wise, as we found out the hard way. However, constant umbrella-mangling winds and curtains of rain are ideal conditions for black glove spotting! Hence, I found three specimens, all along Sauchiehall Street.
(Apologies for the horrendous quality of the first one. The wind wasn't doing me any favors.)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Four-Fingered Salute

My housemate Rob was thoughtful enough to remember me. I think he secretly loves this.
I just have to say: I typed the tag "england" just as Tobias Fröberg sang "in my favorite room in England" over my iTunes. That sort of music-typing coincidence seems to happen to me an uncanny amount.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
The Country Mouse
Monday, November 02, 2009
The Rising Sun
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Reason Behind This Blog
In the nearly impossible chance that someone other than myself may be reading this, I suppose I should provide some sort of background for why the heck I'm posting all these pictures of black gloves.
Unfortunately, the reason behind this is slightly shameful. In high school, my friends and I took to referring to a certain boy, who shall FOREVER remain nameless, as "The Black Glove" because he appeared to pop up everywhere without warning - he was ubiquitous. The extent to which I recognized the prevalence of BGs wasn't apparent until nearly halfway through my second year of university in England, but honestly, there must be hundreds of black gloves lost and discarded every day. Whenever I see one, I feel a slight pang of sadness rooted completely in inanimate-object-glorification animated films such as The Brave Little Toaster, both for the glove and its erstwhile owner. At the same time, it's a weirdly comforting thought to know that nearly everyone, at least those who have spent time in cold climes, has experienced the unique irk of losing a single glove (both if you're lucky.)
Since last November, I've been documenting each glove or pair of gloves that I've come across, with the sole requirement that they must be black - small stripes are fine, as long as black is the predominant color - and posting them in a Facebook album. Shortly thereafter, various friends began to send me pictures of black gloves they'd come across. Someone suggested I start a blog. That's all.
The Spunky Aardvarks
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Watchdogs
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Harbinger of Construction
Thursday, April 09, 2009
The Ghost of Oscar Wilde

Thursday, April 9, outside the Père Lachaise Metro station. Chain of events:
1. Daniel and I emerge from underground and head for an ATM across the street.
2. He hops across a short fence separating the sidewalk and street. I try, fail, trip, bang my left knee, and stagger around screeching "OW!" to the joy of onlookers.
3. My eyes rest upon this beast.
4. We reach the ATM, only to find that both my American and English banks have blocked my debit cards thinking that I am actually an identity thief who has run off to France.
EDIT: my debit card had actually been temporarily drained of approximately £918 due to me not reading the fine print on the VELIB system. THRILLS.
2. He hops across a short fence separating the sidewalk and street. I try, fail, trip, bang my left knee, and stagger around screeching "OW!" to the joy of onlookers.
3. My eyes rest upon this beast.
4. We reach the ATM, only to find that both my American and English banks have blocked my debit cards thinking that I am actually an identity thief who has run off to France.
EDIT: my debit card had actually been temporarily drained of approximately £918 due to me not reading the fine print on the VELIB system. THRILLS.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
The Pin-Up
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Wee Ones
Monday, March 30, 2009
The T-Baner
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Italian Humanitarian Philosophical Sociologists
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Trickster
The Overpriced Bhaji
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Cause of Embarrassment
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Trashman
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Hurtwood
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Night Owl
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Kebab Lover
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Bargain Hunter
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Reverse Michael Jackson

The 13th again:
This was an extremely awkward picture to take! New condos are being built on Green Road, which I traverse every day on the way to Whiteknights. A few days earlier, I'd seen this, but it had been covered in frost so I had no idea what its true color was. When I saw that it was black and rubber, I tried to quickly (hence the blurry chunk of my finger in the foreground) snap a picture of it without alerting the construction workers directly across from me as to what I was doing. (As if they'd have been able to figure it out.)
The Gamblers
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Arthritic
The Rolling Stone
The Quarterback
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