Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Slick Rick

Same day still, Oslo:
At Kringsjå, Megan's tram stop.

The Wee Ones

Same day in Oslo:
This is so heartrending! Two tiny black mittens (I had to make an exception) on the sidewalk on the way to Vigeland Park.

The Sludge Dweller

Late March: Oslo again.
(It took about four tries to adequately convey Megan's enthusiasm.)

Monday, March 30, 2009

The T-Baner

Late March: 
At a tram stop in Oslo. Unfortunately, this is the first impression Megan's friends have of me.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Italian Humanitarian Philosophical Sociologists

Late March once more:
Outside Humms, a lovely duo! By this time, Noah has the gleeful contemplation look down pat. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Trickster

Late March again:
Kings Road near TVU, walking back from the train station after a day in Oxford. Once again, Daniel refuses to associate himself with such tomfoolery.
(Also, I lie: this glove was actually navy blue, but Confucius say all gloves look black at nighttime.)

The Scholar

Oxford, late March:
Noah is contemplating it with glee!

The Overpriced Bhaji

Late March:
Shortly after Noah's arrival, we saw this while walking into town on Wokingham Road outside of Garden of Gulab.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Cause of Embarrassment

Shinfield/Christchurch intersection, late March:
"Oh, no, not AGAIN! I don't know this girl." (walks briskly away from me) 

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Wraith

Walking back from Cat's birthday party, Cemetery Junction

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Trashman

Elmhurst Road, mid-March:
Jess and I had agreed that glove season was drawing to a close. Au contraire!

The Antiques

For sale in Snooper's Paradise, Brighton

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Hurtwood

Culver Road Correspondent Becka finds this "absolute gem" while wandering in the Surrey Hills!